SALON Interior Magazine
SALON-interior magazine was launched in 1994 and from the very beginning published the best works of leading architects, designers and decorators created in Russia and foreign countries. SALON-interior is the most prestigious Russian magazine in the field of architecture and design. Everything new, unique and exclusive created in Russia and abroad is reflected on its pages helping readers to be at the cutting-edge of current trends in the world of Russian architecture and design. Events, world exhibitions, reviews of accessories, historical buildings, interviews with celebrities, landscape and floristic solutions – all topics featuring in the magazine provide the reader with the latest information of the fascinating and creative world of architecture and design.
AUDIENCE SALON-interior is an authoritative Russian magazine about architecture and design. SALON-interior readers are wealthy people. They are highly educated, their social life does not know any borders, their demanding tastes have been formed under the influence of all the best that has been created in various fields of science and art. They have the opportunity to use the most advanced achievements of the civilization development. SALON-interior readers are active consumers of luxury goods and services. The concept of prestige is dominant for them when choosing a particular item. They regard the interior as a reflection of their style and lifestyle. Therefore, they are primarily interested in unique individual solutions, interior objects from outstanding masters of modern design.